Hands-on workshop georganiseerd door het DSS water programma, voor water deskundigen die ingezet worden in noodhulp projecten in het buitenland.

GIS, Smart data collection and data visualization
This practical ‘hands-on’ workshop explored the possibilities of finding and using secondary data to understand local conditions in the field. With a focus on how to digitally collect data, use mapping software, import field measurements (i.e. GPS measurements) and combine maps with field experiences.

Mostly practical exercises and some theory made up the workshop in order for WASH delegates to start using and collecting data in a standardised manner, for sustainability purposes.

No previous GIS experience is necessary, the focus and level of the exercises are depending on the level of experience of the participants.

  • Duration: 2 days
  • Date: 7-8 June 2018
  • Maximum number of participants: 20
  • Organisers: DSS water with support of Red Cross, SamSamWater and 510
  • Location: Red Cross, Zilverstraat 2, 2544 ER The Hague

Information on DSS water and this workshop
DSS water | Workshop GIS, smart data collection and data visualization